These links are only valid for schools associated with Educationappeals Dotcom |
Appeal form for an ADMISSION APPEAL years 3 – 11, click on this link |
Appeal form for an ADMISSION APPEAL years Reception, years 1 and 2, click on this link |
Appeal form for an ADMISSION APPEAL 6th form only, click on this link |
Appeal form for a PERMANENT EXCLUSION REVIEW, click on this link |
Closing date for Admission Appeals is 20 school days after the rejection letter from the School or Local Authority. The closing time on the 20th school day is midnight.
Closing date for Permanent Exclusion Reviews is 15 school days after the letter from the Governors has been delivered. If the letter is sent by e mail. It is considered to be delivered that day. If the letter is e mailed and posted, delivery is considered to be immediate, with the post as a back-up. The closing time for all exclusion reviews is midnight of the 15th school day.